Our offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024 in observance of Memorial Day. We will reopen for normal business hours on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. ATMs, online banking and mobile banking are all open 24/7! PLEASE NOTE: We have updated our "Make a Loan Payment" portal for our retail loans in an effort to improve the customer experience. Existing users will need to create a new username and password in order to log in. Pending and recurring payments have not been changed.

Judd R. Oiler

Judd brings over 49 years’ experience and extensive knowledge of Consumer Lending to United Midwest. His intense focus and appreciation for the progressive banking of UMWSB makes Judd one of the top lenders in the industry.

Senior Vice President Consumer Lending

Travis Stadler

With a commitment to his customers that rivals his love for OSU, Travis is a great addition to the UMWSB team. His ability to objectively view both consumer and retail needs for an optimal outcome gives him the effective edge you won’t find in other lending partners.

Senior Vice President Consumer / Retail Lending